Ridgewood Food Cart Roundup

El Bochinche

Need to try next time: El Bochinche on St. Nicholas Ave

Welcome to our official recap of Food Cart Month(s) 2013! We’re suffering from food cart fatigue so this will be brief. Here’s what we learned:

While Ridgewood is not yet a major player in the food cart scene like 7-train Queens or Midtown, we’ve got plenty going on! We have a pretty legit halal cart, a wildly popular empanada cart, a taco truck that makes tasty fish tacos and cemitas, some llapachingos with potential, and of course our old friend the tamale cartContinue reading

Breakfast at the Myrtle-Wyckoff Tamale Cart


Salsa roja y mole tamales

Food Cart Month wouldn’t be complete if we didn’t mention the tamale cart that sits prominently outside the Myrtle-Wyckoff subway station and is our beacon of deliciousness. We often visit first thing in the morning as we head out for the day’s adventures. The delicious, hot tamales make a filling breakfast, and they also travel well and serve as a satisfying lunch component later in the day (try one with soup or a salad!). Plus, they’re cheap — just $1 each!  Continue reading

Llapingachos, Ayacas de Pollo, and Locro de Papas


Llapingachos, an Ecuadorian speciality

We’re trying to wrap up Food Cart Month(s), so here’s a quick look at the Ecuadorian (yes, again) cart that’s parked outside the Gates Avenue Food Bazaar on Sundays and sometimes Saturdays. (Sometimes there’s a second unrelated Ecuadorian cart parked across the street, but it’s a bit chaotic and unappetizing so we’re focusing on this one here.)  Continue reading

Grover Cleveland Salchipapas Cart


The last couple of weeks have been very busy, not to mention rainy as all heck, so we’ve extended Food Cart Month into June. On Memorial Day weekend we double-Ecuadorian-carted it, first stopping by the cart outside the Grover Cleveland Park fútbol fields, and then the one near Food Bazaar. This was our first visit to the Grover Cleveland cart. The Mexican lady who runs it sets up shop every weekend, when the fields are full of hungry athletic folks. Grilled chicken & pork skewers and our old friend salchipapas are the main offerings here.  Continue reading