Ask Ridgefood: Farmer’s Markets


Dear Ridgefood,

I’m a Queens native that just moved to Ridgewood after a few years in Bushwick and I was wondering if you knew of any Farmer’s Markets in the area this season? I know the one by Maria Hernandez is pretty close, but anything any more local?

Thanks! Keep up the good work!


2014 Update: Ridgewood Youthmarket is open every Saturday, July 12–November 22, 9am3pm

Dear Beth,

Starting tomorrow, July 13, you can find a small farmer’s market in Ridgewood Veterans Triangle (the pedestrian plaza on Myrtle & Cypress). Ridgewood Youthmarket, run by local Ridgewood and Bushwick young folks, brings fresh fruits and vegetables from Wholesale Greenmarket and Prospect Hill Orchards to our neighborhood. Through Youthmarket, “families in NYC have increased access to farm fresh food; youth in these areas have earned money and learned small-business skills; and farmers in the New York City region are achieving higher revenue through access to underserved markets.” We love this concept, and while the offerings are pretty “normal” (no exotic heirloom anything), we’re lucky to have something like this in Ridgewood! The Youthmarket sets up shop in the triangle every Saturday until Thanksgiving.

HOT TIP: Stop by the market tomorrow at noon for a kick-off celebration with live music by Joe Fuoco’s Music Center of Glendale! (UPDATE 7/13/13: The live music isn’t happening today because of iffy weather, but we spoke with Ted Renz of the Myrtle Avenue BID and he said it’ll be rescheduled for later in the summer.)

*We’ll live-tweet Youthmarket’s opening day – #ridgewoodyouthmarket*

Also, we should note that several places in Ridgewood carry produce from local-ish Jersey farms in the summertime; Europa and Max Euro on Forest and Parrot Coffee on Myrtle come to mind. Europa had the best peaches we’ve ever eaten last summer!


Ridgewood Youthmarket

Last fall at Ridgewood Youthmarket

Ridgewood Youthmarket

Run in partnership with the Myrtle Avenue BID and the Ridgewood Local Development Corporation

Ridgewood Veterans Triangle, Myrtle Ave and Cypress Ave [map]
Saturdays, 7/13 – 11/23
10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Have a question about food in Ridgewood? Email us at, or send us a tweet or Facebook message!

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