The Best Soup in Ridgewood at Cracovia Deli

It’s fall. Time for soup! On our way to Grover Cleveland Playground one day, we had a lucky encounter with perhaps the best soup in Ridgewood at Cracovia Deli. It’s a minimalist, sort of old-timey Polish deli with a surprising amount of homemade goodness for sale. The main draw is their rainbow of soups, including simply prepared sorrel, vegetable, mushroom, red borscht, white borscht, chicken noodle, and pickle — all $2. Continue reading

Stuff We Like from Parrot Coffee



Hello again! Welcome to our new regular feature called “Stuff We Like from Parrot Coffee” (working on catchier name). We will periodically share several can’t-miss items from our favorite neighborhood grocery, Parrot Coffee — a modest little storefront on a sleepy stretch of Myrtle that features a dazzling array of homemade and imported goods from Europe, the Middle East, and the Balkans. Half the stuff we eat comes from here!

Our top picks from Parrot: Continue reading