Hello Ridgefood Neighbor: Henry



Every once in awhile we’ll feature a Ridgewood resident and get his or her take on the neighborhood’s best spots to eat, shop, and hang out. Meet Henry, a “true local” who’s traveled around the world!

Tell us about yourself!

My name is Henry Chelune, Jr. I am a married 28-year-old college student. I am currently a senior at Lehman College, CUNY. I am majoring in history with a minor in Middle School Education. I am also a veteran of the U.S. Army — I did one tour in Afghanistan from 2010–2011. Lastly I am a foodie! 

How long have you lived in Ridgewood?

I am one of the few people in Ridgewood nowadays who can say that “I am a true local.” I have lived in Ridgewood for the better part of 28 years (nothing to brag about! lol) I grew up on Seneca Ave b/t Linden & Grove for the better part of my youth. Upon maturity, I rented many a room and apartment around the neighborhood.

Where do you live?

I currently reside on Linden Street right off Fresh Pond Road.*

Food spot no one knows about?

The one food spot no one knows about is the newly opened Taqueria Kermes on Fresh Pond Road off of Woodbine Street. It is authentic Mexican food (sorry Happy Fresh Taco).

Valentino’s or Ridgewood Farm Market for produce?

I have to go with Ridgewood Farm Market. The produce is always fresh, the prices are just right, and the help is always super nice. Also when I walk into Valentino’s there is always that straw on the ground. I hate dragging that stuff into my home.

Favorite (non-food) thing about Ridgewood?

My favorite non-food thing about Ridgewood is the fact that the opening scene to the movie Malcolm X was shot in front of the Myrtle-Wyckoff station. I also used to love the park wrestling that used to take place over in 93 Park (Rosemary’s Playground).

Ridgewood boasts a rich film/tv history — Boardwalk Empire, Brighton Beach Memoirs, and The French Connection were all shot here. And let’s not forget the upcoming Vince Vaughn flick Delivery Man, which features Morscher’s Pork Store transformed as “Wozniak & Sons.” Ridgefood was on location last November during filming. Here’s our exclusive look:

Henry’s Ridgewood Picks

Taqueria Kermes

66-36 Fresh Pond Road [map]
(347) 463-9263

Ridgewood Farm Market

66-38 Fresh Pond Road [map]
(718) 821-1800

Rosemary’s Playground (née 93 Park)

Woodward between Woodbine & Madison Streets [map]

*It’s just a coincidence that our previous first Ridgefood neighbor, Emily, lives in the same part of Ridgewood. If you’d like to be a featured neighbor (and live in another part of the ‘hood) please let us know!

2 thoughts on “Hello Ridgefood Neighbor: Henry

  1. Hi there!

    My boyfriend and I have been living in Ridgewood for a few months and we love it! Maybe you could feature us as a couple? Or just me (cuz I’m cool all by myself too)!

    Love your site! <3

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